Wednesday, April 9, 2014

25 Acts of Kindness

25 Acts of Kindness
1. Giving a person your seat
2.       Giving them money when they need it
3.      Give homeless food
4.       Give money to homeless
5.       Make someone make a shot in life
6.       Let someone play when they need one more person
7.       Give clothes to homeless
8.       Give food to the family
9.       Send money to family
10.    Helping others
11.      Teach someone how to play a sport
12.    Give money to charity
13.   Support child abuse
14.    Supporting women abuse
15.    Helping people take care 4 of their kids
16.    Giving someone a high five
17.    Make friends with someone that’s new
18.   Help animals
19.   Doing your chores for someone else
20.  Cleaning the house
21.    Cook food while parents are resting
22.  Buy from people that barley sale anything
23. Help injured people in an accident
24.  Being patient
25.  Give someone your parking spot

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